Observant Musing-The Phoenix Rising

Hello Peoples,
Let me say that this spot is a peaceful place. A place to come and relax, if you will. A break from the day to day stressors of life. At least that is what it is to me. It is not a pulpit, and there is no agenda. However, I am me, and when I see something that needs attended to, I attend to it-or at least try. Sometimes I want to sit, when I know that I must stand. Sometimes I want to stand, when I know that I must sit. Right now I am leaning, trying to decide which position I want take. Is that cheating? I will watch and wait, and be active in my own way, and I call on you to do the same.
I am speaking of the Katrina aftermath in New Orleans, and the other Gulf states. In past natural and unatural disasters, I have witnessed millions of dollars in money and aid going across the world, and wondered if there will be some for those who need it right at home? Now, I wonder again, will there be fund raising benefits, and auctions and compassion for this community on the level of outpouring that there have been for others? Will the color of skin play a factor in the swiftness in which compassion and restraint is brought to and upon our people?
As we watch the actions unfold of the people in New Orleans and the people in positions to help them, we must not set ourselves apart from being part of the solution. We should question ourselves as to what we can, will and should do to help. As with everything thrown our way to impede our progress, natural and unatural, real and imagined, going solo or with help, we have been and always will be the Phoenix Rising. In this time let us contine to rise.
As part of exploring what I can do to help, I am positng the information for some of the more reputable organizations who have pledged help and support for the victims of Katrina. If you want to give to them to support that effort, please do. If you don't, then find a way to help that you are more comfortable with, but do something positive. The organizations listed have not paid for nor endorsed my listing there information here.
Go, help, be part of the solution, and when you have finished with your work, come back here to relax and enjoy the sensual erotic stories that I have waiting to help you do that-oh, and bring a friend!
The Salvation Army Ph# 1-800-SAL-ARMY or website: http://www.salvationarmyusa.org
The Red Cross Ph# 1-800-HELP-NOW or website: http://www.redcross.org
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