How I Became a Shoe-aholic Part 2 of 4

While I have obsessed about nearly every other part of my body, my arches are one part that I had never given much consideration to. Of course I like to make sure the pads and heels of my feet are smooth and free of cracks, and my toe nails are painted but other than that- I’d paid little attention to my feet.
As women often do, we compare ourselves. I began to compare my feet to those of other women. I wasn’t sure if I was pleased with the knowledge that there was a new body part to be found attractive, or a new body part to be compared with!
As I researched the matter, I saw some beautiful feet out there (I was beginning to understand what that foot fetish thing was all about), and some not so. I noticed that some women had high arches, low arches and others were flat-footed. I wondered what caused that. Was flat-footedness a genetic trait, or were they the result of fallen arches? Could anybody’s arches fall? Could mine? I noticed how some women had painted their toe-nails in very bold colors, some had French manicures, some long nails and some short and neatly rounded.
Some feet looked as well cared for and pampered as hands would be. You could tell those that had soft skin at their soles, and those that harden, cracked skin. It was an oddity that a women, could have the most beautiful toes, so apparently well cared for, and that the rest of her body appeared so un-kempt, and vice-versa. I also wondered if they used their feet the way I was contemplating using mine.
Now that I had these newly discovered- sexy body parts (and you can never have too many of those), I obsessed about whether my arches would fall. Before I really got to appreciate them and put them to good use, I was planning for their demise! I know that my gentlemen friend did not intend for me to become neurotic over the compliment, nor did I want to. So I chilled with the foot watching and comparing, and started to plan how to make the best use of the newest tool in my arsenal...
To be continued
Copyright 2005
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