Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Naylene Is P O'd...Time for a TKO!!

Well, well, well. I wondered when this day would come. It appears to have arrived. I've talked before about sucker punches, and the unsavory types who have pulled them. Some are forgettable. Others are not! I have always tried to take the high road, but now, I don't think so. I am putting my gloves on, and I am going to hit low-real low.

They say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Hmmmm... What about all- out plagiarism? I AM NOT FLATTERED. I am P O'd, and I will not take this sitting down. You see, I have been alerted to the fact that some unimaginative, umm, person has decided to take MY written work, MY published work, MY imagination, MY talent, MY skills and use them for his own site!! Get this though...it is a paid site, so he is profitting from my skillz!! Whereas, I have allowed all to enjoy them freely. The nerve! I am in good company though. Without giving a single credit, he appears to have done this with the work of others, as well. Creative types, unite! This shit must be stopped! The nerve!!

I would like to remind anyone contemplating, or actually stealing my work or that of others that plagerizing copyrighted work is a crime, punishable under the law. ALL of my work is copyrighted, not only through creative commons, but other avenues as well. Alas, I was/am going to write a book, but perhaps, I can just sue and make my fortune that way!

Dear HONEST readers, I implore you, if you see my work or anything suspiciously similar, please leave me an anonymous post with its location, and I will investigate the matter.

Until, I find the culprit(s) I am afraid that I will no longer be posting Erotica (but I will let you know when the book is available).
My time and talents are too valuable to have someone absconde with my work without my permission and at the very least without giving me a bit of credit.

I will continue with my Observant Musings however, and I hope you will stay tuned to enjoy those.

Copyright 2006


Blogger Darni said...

Sorry to hear that but I look forward to reading your book.

3:03 PM  
Blogger Naylene said...

Thanks Darni,
Things might be looking up...
I'll keep you posted on the book.

4:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sorry to hear about your recent plagiarism troubles. I wish I could say that I can't relate but I've had it happen to me hundreds of times before, it doesn't get any easier.

If you need any help shutting these guys down, just let me know. You can always get a hold of me using the contact form on my site. I can help you send DMCA notices to their hosts to get the works deleted (provided that the Host is American, which most are) and I can usually help you track down the theif.

It's a sad talent to have, stopping plagiarists, but it seems to be my gift.

Good luck with your battles!

9:35 PM  
Blogger Naylene said...

Thank you for your comment. Please email me with your contact info.

7:06 PM  
Blogger Princess Kiki said...

I'm sorry!!!!

11:40 PM  

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