R.I.P. Tamara Dobson a.k.a. Cleopatra Jones

She was 6'2 of Dynamite and the Hottest Super Agent Ever!!!!
On Oct. 2, 2006, the world lost one super smart , super fine and super sexy woman.
With the influx of bad blaxplotation films during the 70's the Cleopatra Jones series stood out. She had class! Tamara played Cleopatra Jones with intelligence, flair and loads of sex appeal. Cleopatra Jones refused to be victimized, sexualized, or dummified. She was a warrior for her people, and her country. NOBODY messed with Cleopatra Jones, and if they tried, it was to their demise!
NOBODY could compete with Tamara's smooth velvet skin, long, long legs, and stunning beauty. Her original sense of fashion has been emulated by women in her generation and in generations since. Myself included. I have often thought about who could even attempt to reprise the role of Cleopatra Jones? Out of all the strong and beautiful black women to choose from, only 1 woman stands out. Ms. Queen Latifah.
From a fictional realm, Cleopatra Jones became my real life hero. The woman who brought her to life as only she could, Ms. Tamara Dobson will surely be missed.
How many movies did Dobson do? She is tight, but I like Pam G. better.
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