Friday, January 20, 2006

O.M. The Diary of a Bad Black Woman -Day 4

Day 4, Thursday Afternoon, I Wanna Hold Your Hand

"Yeh, you got that something,
I think you’ll understand,
When I feel that something,
I wanna hold your hand,
I wanna hold your hand,
I wanna hold your hand.
And when I touch you
I feel happy inside,
It’s such a feeling
I can’t hide,
I can’t hide, I can’t hide."
-The Beatles, I Wanna Hold Your Hand

That is how I felt while walking around with Cuban Cigar. It was a beautiful Indian-Summer like day. The weather was beautiful and unseasonable for this time of year. As we left my hotel, we ran into Moe. Moe is an older, white, man, from the South. Yet, despite that, he is genuinely a nice person with a good and giving heart and passion for promoting healthy children-all children. I introduced Cuban Cigar to him, and vice versa. Moe explained that he was looking for a pharmacy but couldn’t find it. Cuban Cigar then told him it was on the corner, and to walk with us and he would show him where it was at. How cool is Cuban Cigar for doing that? Moe was very appreciative, as was I to witness, that type of character.

At first we walked aimlessly toward downtown D.C. The whole time we walked, I kept my hands in my pockets. At many points along the way, I was so tempted to grab Cuban Cigar’s hand as we walked . He kept his hands in his pockets as well. Was it because he didn’t want to hold my hand? Or, was he like me, afraid that it would be inappropriate…too soon? When you hold someone’s hand, you are telling all who see, and that person that “I am with this person, and this person is with me.” You are signifying that you are proud of that. You must think that person is someone pretty special, or you wouldn’t let people get that perception, by being so closely linked (and that is the message the person and passers-by get). You wouldn’t give that perception.

Cuban Cigar is special, but I didn’t know if he was that special, or if he thought that of me. So, while I wanted to be that close to him, I wouldn’t rush things. I would wait and let time tell. Besides, a slow and steady heat creates a longer lasting flame. As we walked though, our elbows kept hitting each other.

We stopped at a perfume store along the way that was closed -unfortunately. I told Cuban Cigar, how much I like perfume, and collected the bottles. He said that he liked it too. Then he asked me if I could guess what he was wearing. He said, “Smell me.” Inside I was thinking, “Come on man! Don’t do that to me! I already want to hold your hand. Now you want me to get closer and smell you? What if my lips accidentally brush the side of your neck?” They didn’t though. I leaned into his neck and inhaled deeply. I couldn’t figure out what he was wearing, so instead I said “Whatever it is, you smell good.”

Then Cuban Cigar decided that he wanted to go visit the new Native American Museum. Our walk was turning out to be a hike, but that was cool. Our time was dwindling down fast. FSG had called while we were en route to the museum, and said that he would be arriving shortly.

On the way to the museum, we walked past the Jefferson Memorial, The Washington Monument and the Lincoln Memorial. Cuban Cigar was telling me about a time when he was there with a friend who had never seen the monuments and memorials before. He said, “You know, the best time to see them is around 3 in the morning. It’s quiet...” “and romantic?” I interrupted. I then said, “I don’t know, I think now is the best time to see them.” What I meant was, since I was with him, and we were seeing them together, it was of course, the best time. My comment was lost on him though. We went into the museum, and viewed the exhibits.

We had to head back. As it turns out Cuban Cigar knows his way very well around D.C. we took some short cuts that turned out to be long cuts going by China Town and other historical landmarks. By the time all was said and done, I felt that I had worked off all that good food that I had eaten during the conference. We hugged and kissed (on the cheeks) goodbye. Sigh, what a great time I had these last few days. But, they weren't over yet. be continued

Copyright 2006


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